CLIP MEATS | Tel: 07967 816341 - 01621 741475
From the bery best Topside, to a
boned or unboned should or leg of
lamb or pork, any joint you can think
of, we can supply.
Click for Details and Pricing ..
We provide a wide range of products, subject to availability and to seasonal changes, if you can’t see what you are
looking for, please call us and we will be happy to advise on whether we can help.
NOTE: All prices quoted heirin are accurate at the time of posting, however, prices will of course change from time to
time based on supply & demand and season, so please do contact us to double check and when placing any orders.
Miscellaneous - Burgers, Bacon,
Sausages, etc.
As well as the fresh and base produce,
we also provide prepared and
miscelleanoues products, click below
for some examples, but please feel
free to aks if there is something you
are looking for and we’ll see what we
can do.
Click for Details and Pricing ..
Suppliers of quality meat direct from smithfield market
Call Lee on:
Mobile: 07976 816 341
Office: 01621 741475